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Reputations can take years to build but only seconds to lose.  In today’s interconnected and digital world that saying is truer than ever before.  At ACK Media Law we give our clients the best possible defamation advice by staying at the forefront of evolving technology and changing human behaviour. 


We have helped hundreds of individuals and businesses protect their reputations, and have acted for members of parliament, business people, celebrities, and other public figures. If you find your reputation under attack, we can help resolve the situation quickly and effectively and often without the issue of court proceedings.   We also defend newspaper publishers, broadcasters, production companies, and businesses and individuals.


Defamation (encompassing libel and slander) is a complex area of law with its own novel legal procedures.  If you have been defamed, or you have received a complaint about something you have published, it is therefore prudent to seek advice from experienced defamation specialists.  We can advise you on how to bring or defend a libel claim up to trial, how to ascertain the identity of anonymous publishers, on the IPSO and IMPRESS complaints process and on the various take-down procedures operated by the social media platforms.  


When your reputation has been damaged there may also be addition considerations and claims arising from the publication.  As media litigation specialists we can consider the publication from different angles and advise on any malicious falsehood, privacy, confidentiality, data protection, harassment, and IP issues and any regulatory matters which may arise.


We also provide pre-publication advice to publishers and broadcasters to ensure that you avoid legal trouble altogether by making sure that your material is free from risk.  We also provide reputation management advice to individuals and companies.  We don’t only deal with incidents of crisis but also advise on how to maintain and build your reputation on an ongoing basis.


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