+44 (0)207 487 5354
Harassment is a course of oppressive and unreasonable conduct targeted at an individual which is calculated to cause alarm or distress. It can take many forms but often includes unwanted contact and the dissemination of private information about the victim.
If you believe you are in any danger, we recommend that you contact the police.
If you are a victim of harassment, you may consider that your options to deal with the harassment are very limited. However, often this is not the case, and at ACK Media Law, we can advise you of the full range of legal and practical options available. We are discrete, empathetic, and non-judgmental in our approach and draw upon our decades of experience in helping victims of harassment to work with you to come up with the best possible strategy.
Examples of harassment
Unwanted telephone calls, social media posts and messages, text messages, emails, letters or visits
Contacting the victim’s friends, family, work colleagues, etc
Stalking which may include following the victim in person or being present at the victim’s home or work or school
Monitoring the victim using social media (cyber-stalking), websites, tracking devices, surveillance, or third parties
Online trolling
Pretending to be someone else to obtain contact with the victim
Verbal abuse and threats
Publishing private information including revenge porn and image based abuse
Damaging property
Advice for victims
Harassment is a civil wrong and a criminal offence. We can support you during the criminal complaints process by liaising with the police, attending any meetings, and advising you throughout.
If you prefer not to make a criminal complaint because it isn’t right for you, or you don’t think it will stop the harassment, we can apply to court for an injunction to stop the harassing conduct. In some circumstances, we can claim for damages for distress and anxiety, and may be able to issue claims for defamation and/or the misuse of private information and/or data protection.
Any breach of the injunction would be contempt of court and we may subsequently be able to apply for the committal of the perpetrator to prison. In some instances, we can negotiate with the perpetrator to secure contractual or court undertakings to stop the harassing conduct.
Where the harasser is anonymous, in some circumstances we can make an application to court to compel relevant social media platforms, telecom companies or internet service providers to provide information to help us ascertain the identity of the perpetrator.
If you have been accused of harassment
We also have experience in advising those accused of harassment.